2000-Year Old Pyramid and 30 Pre-Hispanic Burials Discovered in Veracruz – México
2000-Year Old Pyramid and 30 Burials discovered in Veracruz – México – 2013/07/12
In the news: A 2000-year old pyramid and 30 burials were discovered in Jaltipan in Veracruz, México. The pyramid has a height of 12 m, depth of 60 m and a width of 25 m. It is the first stone-building found in the area of southern Vera Cruz.

Figurines – Jaltipan
Burials and Offerings
The burials near the pyramid of Jaltipan were accompanied by several offerings as jade beads, mirrors, figurines and fossil bones of extinct animals as camels, rhinos and sharks.
The time, when the site was used, dates back to 700 A.D.
There is evidence that the site was used as a trade post or market place, due to the nature of the offerings in the burials.
These offerings belong to a broad range of different cultures and origin from Teotihuacan, Mayan, Nahua, Populca and from the Remojadas culture.
Genetic analysis of the human remains will show if the people that were buried near the pyramid were part of one tribe or if they came from different regions.
Brick structure
During the excavation the archaeologists found a brick structure. A similar brick structure was found in Tabasco at Comalcalco. This brick structure seems to be Mayan work.
The excavation is guided by the archaeologist Alfredo Delgado.
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